Studio Location
Greater New York City area; conservation projects accepted from the New York tri-state area.
Sculpture: plaster, wood, metal & mixed media, 17th- 20th centuries.
Folk Art: metal, wood & mixed media objects, 18th – 20th centuries.
Fine Furniture: marquetry, lacquer, gilding & bronze mounts, 17th –20th centuries.
Frames: gilded and painted wood surfaces, 17th – 20th centuries.
Object Examinations and Conservation Proposals
In addition to conservation treatments, we offer on-site verbal consultations, written condition evaluations, treatment proposals, and written conservation assessments of entire collections.
Conservation Treatments
All conservation work is executed either in the studio or on site. A written and photographic record is kept of all conservation procedures. Wherever possible, the performed treatments are reversible.

Joseph Chiarello